Dwayne ”The Rock” Johnson blev inspirerad av en fattig UFC-fighters berättelse. Hollywoodstjärnan överraskade honom med en minst sagt stor gåva.

”The Rock” gav ett hus till UFC-fightern

Inför sin senaste match i UFC hade tungviktaren Themba Gorimbo sju dollar på sitt bankkonto. Han tog hem vinsten och berättade efteråt att hans handskar och shorts skulle auktioneras ut. Detta för att samla ihop pengar till bygget av en brunn i hans hemort i Zimbabwe. Under sitt träningscamp i USA sov Gorimbo på en soffa på gymmet i Miami. Detta sa han om sitt beslut under en intervju med MMA Fighting.

I was happier raising that money than I was after my win. When I got home where I come from and I help these people build this borehole and I helped these kids pay for their school supplies, I don’t have entitlement. I don’t want to go back so I can say ‘I helped you guys.’ I don’t want to see that ever again, but that happiness can only help me. If I help, I feel so good, and when I feel so good, I’m dangerous [in MMA].

Gorimbos situation lyckades nå Dwayne ”The Rock” Johnson, den bäst betalde skådespelaren i världen. Johnson bestämde sig för att överraska på ett storslaget vis. Johnson hade köpt ett hus i Miami till fightern. Han filmade ögonblicket Gorimbo fick reda på gåvan och ett hjärtskärande möte mellan de två.

Welcome home @TheAnswerMMA
You and your family enjoy your new house brother.
Lights are on.
Bills are paid.
Keep your “My Reason” list close, keep taking care of your people and I’m honored to play a very, very small role in your $7 bucks journey.
$7 bucks.
I’ve been there… pic.twitter.com/rSyC7EiD5I

— Dwayne Johnson (@TheRock) August 3, 2023

I’ve got to tell you, your story moved me. When I found out you had $7 in your bank account, I know what that’s like. I was here in Miami when I had $7, but then also you win your second fight, then you sell your fight kit, you buy a water well for your village in Zimbabwe so your people can have clean water.

Because you could have taken that money and put it down on a car, on an apartment, but you didn’t. You took care of your people, and that just says exactly who you are, and that’s why I flew all the way in. Just to look you in the eyes and tell you, I got your back.

En rörd Gorimbo tackar Johnson

Gorimbo, som är 1-1 i UFC, lovade Johnson att han ska kämpa vidare. Att han ska fortsätta slåss för sin by hemma i Zimbabwe.

Because you got me this house, I was supposed to get a house to come here. The money that I was going to use for the house, I’m going to build another borehole in my village now when I land in Africa.

Mötet avslutade med ett löfte från Gorimbo till Johnson.

I will become a champion. Trust me.

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