Joe Rogan – ”Man är galen om man hävdar att Paul vs. Silva var uppgjord på förhand”MMA & UFC NYHETER – SVERIGE

Joe Rogan delade nyligen med sig av sina tankar angående boxningsmatchen mellan 25-åriga Jake Paul och 47-åriga Anderson Silva.

Joe Rogan om Jake Paul – ”Han kan fightas”

Youtube-kreatören och boxaren Paul ställdes nyligen mot den tidigare UFC-mästaren Silva i en boxningsmatch. Paul höll sig fortsatt obesegrad och tog hem vinsten via enhälligt domslut. Efter drabbningens slut riktades det kritik mot fighten från vissa håll. En del fans hävdade att matchen var riggad och att resultatet var bestämt på förhand.

I samband med ett avsnitt av Joe Rogan Experience podcast gav MMA-profilen sin syn på saken. Rogan lyfte fram specifika händelser från matchen och hävdade bestämt att drabbningen inte var uppgjord. Transkribering via MMA Fighting.

Some people are trying to say that fight was fixed because of the knockdown. I just want to explain to people this is what happened … Anderson moved forward to Jake Paul and Jake Paul hit him with a sort of a stepping jab and caught him right on the chin. And when he caught him on the chin, Anderson Silva was falling backwards and then he leans away from the right hand and he goes down. He was down from the punch, but it looks like the right hand doesn’t connect, but the left hand is what f***** him up. That dude hits f****** hard and for anybody to say he doesn’t hit hard because he’s a YouTube Star — if this guy was not a f****** YouTube star and he was some dude who went out there and flatlined Tyron Woodley with one punch and just knocked down Anderson Silva in the f****** eighth round … Come on, son. That is legit as f***. Anybody that says that’s not legitimate is crazy. He cracked him.

Rogan delade även med sig av sin generella syn på Paul som atlet och boxare.

Dude, he can fight. Is he the best in the world? No. But is he getting better with every fight? Yes. Is he a 25-year-old guy who’s a legit athlete? Yes. If this is what he wants to do, this guy is making a f****** insane amount of money and he f****** loves it. He’s beating people that everybody says he shouldn’t be the f****** ring with.

Paul står nu med ett professionellt boxningsfacit som lyder 6-0-0. Silvas dito lyder 3-2-0.

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