UFC inför förbud mot vadslagning för organisationens fightersMMA & UFC NYHETER – SVERIGE

Det är inte längre tillåtet för UFCs fighters att satsa pengar på matcher som äger rum i samband med organisationens galor. Detta enligt ett mail som skickades ut till organisationens samtliga utövare.

”Syftet är att upprätthålla sportens integritet”

UFCs Hunter Campbell skickade nyligen ut ett mail till organisationens samtliga fighters och managers. I mailet framgick det att det inte längre är tillåtet för organisationens fighters att spela på matcher som äger rum under organisationens flagg. UFC har lagt till förbudet i organisationens ”Code of Conduct”. Ett kontrakt som varje fighter i UFC har skrivit under.

Förbudet gäller vadslagning på sig själv som vinnare samt vadslagning på andra fighters matcher. Även sekonder, managers och familjemedlemmar kan komma att omfattas av tillägget. Syftet är att vadslagningen inte ska påverkas av så kallad ”inside information”.

Organisationens fighters har fortfarande tillåtelse att spela på MMA-matcher som äger rum i andra organisationer. UFC-fighters har även tillåtelse att sponsras av och vara ansiktet utåt för spelbolag.

Nedan kan läsaren ta del av utskicket i sin helhet.

From: Hunter Campbell, UFC Chief Business Officer

To: All Athletes and Managers

We are writing to advise you of a change to the UFC Athlete Conduct Policy to which each UFC athlete subscribes under our Promotion Agreement and/or Ancillary Rights Agreement. As you know, the UFC Athlete Conduct Policy requires UFC’s contracted athletes to act in a legal, ethical, and responsible manner and avoid conduct detrimental to the integrity of the UFC organization. In light of clear direction that we have received from regulators responsible for the regulated sports betting industry in the United States, we are compelled at this time to recognize in the UFC Athlete Conduct Policy certain restrictions relating to wagering by our athletes, members of their teams and certain others.

As you may already be aware, most states in which regulated sports betting is conducted prohibit athletes from wagering on promotions or events with which they are affiliated. Many states also extend this prohibition to the athletes’ training teams, family members and others that have access to “inside information” relating to the athletes and their events. In some instances, violations of these prohibitions could result in criminal charges. The UFC’s contracted athletes are not exempt from these prohibitions, which state legislators and regulators have implemented for the purpose of maintaining the integrity of our sport. In order to assist our athletes in understanding their obligations under the laws of the majority of states in which sports betting is permitted, and in further support of these integrity measures, UFC has incorporated a wagering prohibition into the UFC Athlete Conduct Policy expressly prohibiting athletes from wagering on any UFC match. We have also provided some additional information to assist athletes determining the potential scope of state-imposed wagering restrictions on others. Note: This policy does not prohibit UFC athletes from entering into sponsorship agreements with sports betting companies. UFC athletes may continue to pursue such sponsorships in accordance with applicable law.

We appreciate your dedication to our sport and your efforts to ensure its integrity. If you have any questions about the UFC Athlete Conduct Policy, you may contact me.

Please click here to review the full code of conduct, including new amendment on wagering.

Thank you.

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